Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust

Providing support to help strengthen the Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community to grow, achieve and prosper.

Ni sa bula vinaka – welcome to the website of the Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust. Here we hope you can find out about our Pasifika Community, what we get up to and how we are thriving. Enjoy our information and if you like to contact us – we would love to hear from you. Vinaka vaka levu.

Our Mission

To provide, support and strengthen the Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community to grow, achieve and prosper.

Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust - school performance

Our Values

Accountability to our Community and Founders, Transparency, Respect for Community cultures and values, Respect & Confidentiality, Recognition & acceptance of differences, Professional representation, Integrity, Honesty.

Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust - our values image

Our Vision

A strong united organisation which will represent the needs and goals of our Pasifika Community working in response to and alongside the community, advocating for community and culture.

Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust - our vision image